It’s been a while since I updated you all on
the #BigBuild4Hugh so I thought I’d update you and show you a few sneaky
The run up to Christmas was fraught with
anxiety. It really was all hands on deck
to try and
Even Elvis the Elf had to pull his weight |
get the place liveable in time for our family who were arriving from
Ireland. It was only with the help of
some good friends
that we managed to have light in the kitchen – until that
point, we’d been using floodlights! I had visions of us sitting down to
Christmas dinner like that. Thankfully,
come Christmas day, we had a working oven, lights, a fridge and somewhere to
sit and eat.
The last of the woodwork was completed just
after the Christmas holidays and I’m now happy to say that we have a fully
functional house that, all bar a few finishing touches, is more or less
finished. There’s still a few wires
hanging that need switches and thanks to a mix up with the circuits, we can no
longer use the hoist in the bathroom, so Hugh can’t have a bath – fingers
crossed we’ll get that fixed soon.
There’s a bit of plastering to be done and a fair bit of painting, but all
in all, it’s looking good and we’re delighted.
The difference it has made to our lives is
immeasurable. In no particular order (OK
maybe the cupboards ARE my favourite), here’s the best things about the new
The cupboard space
I remember watching an episode of DIY SOS and
they made a designated space for the family to mix the child’s tube feeds. I desperately wanted that. Our kitchen was tiny, there was barely any
surface space and mixing feeds was a nightmare.
Storing them even more so. I kept
the milk feeds under the bed or piled up in the bathroom. The plastic containers and giving sets (the
tubes used to pump the milk into Hugh’s stomach) were kept in plastic
containers in plastic sheds in the garden.
The reason for the double layer of plastic was the fact snails eat
cardboard! Who knew? I discovered holes
in the boxes containing Hugh’s medical supplies and after investigation found
that the snails had been feasting on it.
After that, each month I would open the 16 boxes and decant them into
plastic boxes, taking inside only what I could reasonably fit in my kitchen.
Which wasn’t much! Regularly, you’d find Mr. M and I doing ‘rock, paper,
scissors’ to see whose turn it was to traipse up the garden in the
cold/rain/snow/mud to get supplies for the night after we’d unexpectedly run
out. Fun times!
And the equipment – the huge chairs, of which
there are many, littered the house and the boot of the car! It was like a game of tetris trying to find
space to put one chair after another.
Hugh has a wheelchair for outside, a three-wheeler offroad wheelchair
for the woods and muddy football pitches, an indoor supported seat, an enormous
bean bag (his comfy arm chair so to speak – no one wants to sit bolt upright
all the time) and a shower chair. These are the essentials. Some the size of a big arm chair (I’m looking
at you P Pod). Imagine trying to find
space to put 5 extra arm chairs in your house. (Here’s how – 1 in the bathroom,
1 in the boot of the car, 2 in the living room, 1 in the hall/bedroom –
depending on whether you needed to get past it/use the bedroom).
So, that was before … now -I have designated
cupboards for all those things! I have
space for all the chairs and all the feeding equipment. I don’t have to go into the garden to get
Hugh’s feed ready and I don’t have to store wheelchairs permenantly in my car.
It’s actually life changing. I know that
sounds a bit melodramatic, but honestly, the extra space is invaluable. I even posted a facebook status update with
photos of my cupboards (see below) and the response was amazing – so many
people struggling to find space for all the extra equipment that comes with
having a disabled child.
Ok, so maybe the cupboards are my favourite… but look at them… what’s not to love? |
The Family Room
Wasn’t really sure what to call it, but that’s
what the architect referred to in his plans.
It’s basically a kitchen/dining/living area – a big open plan space
(with an island!) that has enough space to comfortably move Hugh around in the
biggest of his chairs, without having to move furniture to do so. We can put Hugh’s bean bag between the arm
chairs so he sits next to us while we watch TV together, rather than him stuck
out on the edge on his own. He can be
playing on his mat on the floor and I can make the dinner whilst watching him
and whilst listening to his brother read.
Hugh couldn’t fit into our kitchen before so I was forever running in
and out to check on him and I regularly made Sean sit on the floor in the
kitchen to do his reading so I could get on with dinner. On Christmas morning, Hugh had a bit of a
funny turn, he was unresponsive and dazed and kept having prolonged absence
seizures. We suspected he was heading
for a bout of his bad seizures – the not breathing, call an ambulance kind – so we put his hospital bag by the door and had the oxygen and medicine we needed
ready. The thing was, it was Christmas,
and dinner still needed to be cooked – we were due a houseful in a few
hours. In the last house, this would
have been very problematic, Hugh can stop breathing instantly without warning,
so we watch him closely at the best of times, but when we have warnings like
this you literally can’t leave his side, just in case. Thankfully, because of the size of the
kitchen, I was able to just park him up beside me in his bean bag while I
carried on getting dinner ready. Sean
could have Daddy all to himself to play his new Christmas Xbox games – the last
thing we wanted was to spoil his Christmas. As it happened Hugh snapped out of it and was
fine (maybe due to the VNS -who knows? A post for another day) but there’s been
lots of similar occasions since that have really made me appreciate so much
space in one room.

Hugh’s bedroom
We’ve moved the front door to the extended part
at the side of the house and by knocking down a wall, Hugh’s bedroom has gained
the space from the hallway, where the original door was. I didn’t think it would make much difference
to be honest but it seemed a better use of space than making another
cupboard. Plus, he’s getting bigger and
his hospital style bed is going to get bigger so we knew we’d probably need a
bit more room in the long run. The difference it has made is fab though. I can now fit a chair in there so I can sit
in with him when he’s unwell, or his carer can have a place to sit when she’s
looking after him overnight (she previously sat in the living room with a video
monitor). There is space to bring the
wheelchair into the room, beside the bed so I can hoist (rather than lift) him
in and out – my back is very grateful for that!
The hoist has been there for a while, but unless we moved all the
furniture out of his room we couldn’t get a chair anywhere near it. Now we can fit his cupboards and a wheelchair
in! It also means he can play with his
toys or look at his bubble tube and fibre optics whilst in his bean bag, rather
than lying in his bed. It means Hugh can
actually play in his bedroom without having to go to bed to do so.

There’s more, much more, that I love about it
(the fact that the kitchen is a real party room, I have an island and a
dishwasher, the floors are the same throughout which makes it so much easier to
move Hugh about) but I don’t want to bore you, or to sound like I’m
We’ve been lucky, very lucky, to have such
amazing friends working on this with us, but it’s still cost way more than we
expected, particularly as we hit a few unexpected problems along the way. The next step is to get access into the house
(we’ve got a temporary ramp that’s thankfully saving my back at the moment) and
access into the garden for Hugh. A
wonderful friend of ours is running the London Marathon to raise money to help
make that happen and we’re hopeful we can start work on that late spring/early
summer. You can find his Just Giving page here:
At one point, it felt like this building
project would never end, and whilst people kept telling me it would be worth
it, it was very hard to see beyond that eating dinner on a bottom bunk bed
stage! Now though, as we’re nearing the
finish line, I realise just how quickly all this has been achieved and I’ll be
eternally grateful to the people that went above and beyond to make that happen
for us; for Hugh. It has, and will
continue to make, an enormous difference
to all our lives.
I'm linking this with The Accessibility Stories via The Inclusive Home
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