epilepsy has been a major factor in his life for as long as I can remember. His
first obvious seizure happened at around 10 months but it's highly likely he
was having seizures before this; he was already undergoing investigations for
epilepsy due to the fact he was losing skills and regressing in some areas of
his development and his brain MRI had flagged up that seizures would be highly
likely. Truth be told, I suspect he had his first epileptic seizure in the
womb, although I didn't know that was what it was at the time.
had 5 or 6 EEGs, two brain MRIs and tried numerous anti-epileptic drugs with
limited degrees of success. I've lost count of the number of ambulance rides
he's had- somewhere between 20 and 40 I'd guess, and nights spent in hospital
must be well into triple figures. He's stopped breathing more times than I'd
care to remember; I stopped counting the amount of times I'd resuscitated him
when we hit 100 a few years back. Yes, epilepsy has certainly been a huge and
unwelcome factor in Hugh's life.
In hospital in July 2011 |
is the thing that stops us living life to the full. It limits where we go and
who we see. Hugh can't visit his family in Ireland because it's not safe to fly
or get the ferry. He always needs to be within quick, almost immediate, access
of trained medical support. Where we live we are less than 7 minutes in an
ambulance from the hospital and the ambulance usually get to us in well under
10 minutes. That's the kind of immediate assistance Hugh needs. He hasn't got
time for the aeroplane to land or the air ambulance to get him off a ferry.
Travelling abroad, even just across the Irish Sea, just isn't safe. For a
while, Hugh couldn't even leave the house, his seizures were so frequent. It
was safer to keep him at home, with quick access to the oxygen and his medication.
As much as I'd love to say that Hugh's disabilities don't hold him back, that
he lives life to the full, the truth is, his epilepsy significantly reduces his
ability to get the most out of life.
the epilepsy diagnosis came, I assumed it would easily be controlled and that
life would return to normal. Instead I discovered that 30% of people never
control their epilepsy through drugs. After 6 or 7 different anti-epileptics,
months and months of increasing, reducing and trying different combinations of those
drugs, we admitted Hugh was in the category 'medically intractable'- the drugs
don't work.
tried the ketogenic diet next and the success of this was astounding; within
weeks his seizures drastically reduced. We started going out as a family again,
we even managed a holiday to Wales, things that were impossible when his
seizures were at their peak. During this time, we tried unsuccessfully to weanhim off the drug phenobarbital, but after a hospital admission where he stopped
breathing for 16 minutes, we decided the risks weren't worth it and he remained
on the diet and drug combined.
the course of the three years that Hugh was on the ketogenic diet, more
seizures started to creep in. The gap between the severe, life threatening not
-breathing type remained a steady 3 months or so (sometimes slightly longer),
but he began having daily seizures and clusters of seizures too, though these
rarely required medical intervention. Yet we successfully weaned Hugh off the
ketogenic diet in 2015 with no increase in his seizures.
still isn't completely seizure free though, so we have continued to look for alternatives.
Three months between life threatening seizures isn’t great, but it is
manageable and better than how we lived pre-ketogenic diet. Plus the daily seizures appear to cause no
real ill-effects, so far as we can tell. Lately, however, his seizures
have become so severe that it is increasingly difficult to resuscitate him. In March he went for nearly 6 minutes without oxygen as a result. The potential
consequences of this could have been devastating and we were exceptionally
lucky that Hugh made a full recovery. It is a risk that we really do not want
to face again. Hugh’s neurologist
brain MRI showed that he wasn't eligible for brain surgery since no single area
of his brain is responsible for the seizures. So our only hope, Hugh’s final
hope, is to try Vagus Nerve Stimulation.
Vagus Nerve
Stimulation (VNS) is a treatment for epilepsy where a small device is implanted
under the skin below the left collar bone. This device, similar to a
pace-maker, is called a generator. The generator is connected to a thin wire,
which stimulates the vagus nerve in the person’s neck at regular times
throughout the day. This sends impulses to the brain, which helps to prevent
electrical activity that causes seizures.
It can take
from a couple of months to two years after the VNS is implanted to notice a
difference in seizure control. Sometimes, it doesn’t work at all. The benefits
of having the VNS can include the following:
We’ve been told about a third of
patients see significant improvements, a third some improvement and a third it
makes no difference at all. Side
effects, other than those associated with a general anaesthetic are apparently minimal
and include intermittent hoarseness and difficulty swallowing while the device
is sending electrical impulses.
Hugh has been approved for this
treatment and is currently on a waiting list for surgery, which will be in
approximately 4-6 months.
We’ve heard lots of positive things
about VNS and are hopeful that it will help Hugh, I don’t really want to
consider the alternative. In the meantime,
we’ll just hope and pray that we can keep him safe and manage his seizures when
they come.
Sounds a very positive step to try for Hugh my lovely. Hoping he gets up the list faster than expected and that he is within that section of patients that it makes a real difference to in the future xxx c xx
ReplyDeleteThe vns treatment sounds so positive and I hope with all my heart he comes within the third of patients that see significant improvements. You and Steven are an inspiration, you have raised a wonderful older child, while doing your upmost for Hugh. The love they have for each other is clear in pictures, and this is down to you guys. I will pray everyday that Hugh will have less seizures and they are not severe. Lots of love Rachael (Em's bestie) xxxx
ReplyDeleteThe vns machine works well I have had it for 3 years now and I'm very impressed with it, I haven't had a seziure in 3 years I finally have a licence and I love my life was told I couldn't have children because the medications I was on till I became a "test dummy" for the vns and I'm so happy I chose to go through with it I'm it is great and I would reccomend anybody that has seziures as bad as I sid to get the machine asapbecause it is so great
DeleteThe vns treatment sounds so positive and I hope with all my heart he comes within the third of patients that see significant improvements. You and Steven are an inspiration, you have raised a wonderful older child, while doing your upmost for Hugh. The love they have for each other is clear in pictures, and this is down to you guys. I will pray everyday that Hugh will have less seizures and they are not severe. 💙🍀💙🍀💙🍀💙🍀
ReplyDeleteFingers crossed he will will be in the third he needs to be in. You are doing such an amazing job in really difficult circumstances and it's about time life gave you a holiday x
ReplyDeleteWishing you the very best of luck with this, seizures look so scary, I really hope this procedure makes a difference for Hugh and for your all xx