Dear Doctor

Dear Medical Professional, You will ask about his medical history, And I will repeat the story I have told 100 times or more, The details fine tuned to the essentials I know you need: He was born full term, He has a 7 year old brother who is fit and well, He is allergic to penicillin.  You will ask me what happened, And I will answer: He is 6 years old. He wasn't breathing for 7 minutes. I gave him mouth to mouth. I will hand over a careful typed piece of A4 paper. It will tell you his hospital number, The things he is allergic to, A list of medications and doses. You will take it and smile. You'll tell me I make your job easier. I will stand calm, And in control.  You see my demeanour, my hospital bags packed and ready, And you say, You've done this before. I'll nod and say many times. But remember this; That 6 year old is my baby. That boy with the oxygen, And the wires, And the tubes, Is my son. I watched him turn bl...

God Gave Me A Special Child

I am strong.

Because my son has taught me to keep fighting
And never give up,
Even when it seems all hope is lost.

I am courageous.

Because my son has taught me to trust my instincts, 
To fight for what I believe in,
And not be too intimidated to make my voice heard.

I am humble.

Because my son has taught me to ask for help when I can't do it alone,
To accept the things I can not change
And to put the past behind me.

I am patient.

Because my son has taught me that some things are worth waiting for.
Like that first giggle,
Or a smile.

I am thankful.

Because my son has taught me to make the most of every opportunity,
To appreciate every day,
As if it were our last.

I am blessed.

Because my son has taught me to see beauty in the world around me,
And that happiness, family and love
Are all that are truly important.

God didn't give me a child with special needs because of the gifts I had.

He gave me a child with special needs to teach me the skills I lacked.


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