Dear Doctor

Dear Medical Professional, You will ask about his medical history, And I will repeat the story I have told 100 times or more, The details fine tuned to the essentials I know you need: He was born full term, He has a 7 year old brother who is fit and well, He is allergic to penicillin.  You will ask me what happened, And I will answer: He is 6 years old. He wasn't breathing for 7 minutes. I gave him mouth to mouth. I will hand over a careful typed piece of A4 paper. It will tell you his hospital number, The things he is allergic to, A list of medications and doses. You will take it and smile. You'll tell me I make your job easier. I will stand calm, And in control.  You see my demeanour, my hospital bags packed and ready, And you say, You've done this before. I'll nod and say many times. But remember this; That 6 year old is my baby. That boy with the oxygen, And the wires, And the tubes, Is my son. I watched him turn bl...

Ode to Epilepsy

Epilepsy tried to steal my child.
He crept in and caught me unaware,
Leaving behind a limp and lifeless body;
A blue the colour of the deepest, darkest, coldest ocean.

He tried again and again,
To take my baby from me.
In the dead of night, He’d come,
Robbing the air from his lungs,
And taking a piece of my heart with him each time.

I didn’t recognise Him at first, this Demon,
He wasn’t the epilepsy I knew.
He lurked unseen in the shadows,
And without warning would pounce.
Nowhere was safe.
We lived in fear.
Feeling His evil presence,
Ever near; ever watching; ever waiting

I begged Him to leave;
But He wouldn’t listen.

I pleaded with Him to go;
But He remained.

I sobbed.
I screamed.
I cried.
I waited.
But Epilepsy wanted my child.

Piece by piece He took him,
Hoping I wouldn’t notice as he slowly started to fade.
He took his spirit.
He took his passion.
He took his smile.
And He ripped my heart right from my chest.

But my child is stronger than that Demon.
He fought with all his strength.
And little by little,
He came back to me.
His smile, the sun, warmed my blackened heart and helped it to grow.

And together we stand strong
And determined in the face of Evil.
His disguises have changed;
This dangerous Demon.
But I am no longer scared of the shadows.
I will stand and fight.

You will not take my child.
you WILL NOT take MY child


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